Athlete Profiling
How JHT Manage your athletic profile.
What is Athlete Profiling?
JHT Performance Nutrition can arrange advanced physiological testing for you. We can undertake a range of physiological assessment to provide deeper insight to support your individual nutrition strategies and provides valuable insight to your physiology.
A phrase commonly used in nutrition is: Test. Don’t guess.
Which makes a lot of sense! If you have the ability to undertake assessments that can provide improved insights to your physiology, then take it. As long as the information is relevant and appropriate to your goals, objectives or training outcomes and it is provided in such a way that is easy for you to implement. Winner.
Data is collected and fed back using an athlete profile report that details all of the relevant, and appropriate information and forms part of your individualised nutrition strategy.
Metabolic Testing
We create individual and specified profiles based off your respiration rates to provide insights to your physiology. We can assess VO2 Max, Resting Metabolic Rate, Respiratory Exchange Ratio -this indicates what fuel you utilise at certain intensities of exercise. This will be specific to each individual and will depend on a number of factors including; the amount of years you have been training, the frequency you train, the intensity you train, the modality of training (cardio / resistance exercise) as well as your current body composition
InBody 270
We can carry out body composition analysis using BIA technology. This is included in all profiling reports provided to athletes we support. This will be repeated at regular intervals to track progress. Understanding your functional mass, and how that impacts your performance is really valuable. We relate this back to your sport, your position, your event and use this to build out your individual nutrition strategy.
Harpenden Skinfold Assessment
All of our practitioners are certified to ISAK L1 as a minimum. We can use the sum of skinfolds to assess functional mass, as well as track adaptations to body composition.
JHT Performance Space
Whilst we work together you will have access to our slack domain and dietary tracking app that allows you to relay information around your training and competition schedules, training days, meal photo uploads and check in questionnaires so you can reflect on your week and we can collaborate to ensure progress is made. There is also a habit tracker that allows you to keep on top of those daily habits that will help form the consistency to achieve your performance goals.
At JHT we work from performance backwards, using the expected demands of competition and training to guide your nutrition strategy.
How Our Process Works
Hover over each stage to learn more

Stage 1
Initial discovery call to data gather and set the start point plan of action - Going over athletes background, current situation and aspirations.
Date to set up physiological profiling.
Stage 2
Food diary log using our Nutrition analysis software, this will be used to formulate nutrition strategy protocol. Continually monitored and adjusted as needed.
Stage 3
Value based exercise to help with devloping goal setting and to map out athletes behaviours inline with the agreed goals.
Stage 4
Time spent matching athlete's diet to your training program. This is to maximise progress and results during competition or match play.
Stage 5
Education through conversation with athlete around the basics of Performance Nutrition (Total, Timing and Type)
Completed via Weekly scheduled calls
What is Metabolic Testing?
Breath measurement technology is fast becoming a primary tool for physiological assessment. Metabolic Testing is the term used when you undertake a series of assessments to provide greater insight as to how your metabolism is working, and the energy pathways that are being utilised for energy expenditure.
When we lose fat – it is excreted from our body via our breath, you may have heard the term ‘fat oxidation’ this is what happens as we adapt our body composition and lose less functional mass through purposeful nutrition strategies and training.
Just tell me what to eat, I don’t care about the science.
This type of approach doesn’t serve anyone to any benefit. If you decide you would like to work with JHT it would be best if it is from a place of curiosity and a willingness to work together to determine your goals and objectives through the process.
This is not a reductionist approach. At JHT we will not ‘tell you what to eat’. This is often a misguided approach that leads to poor, destructive relationships with food and nutrition. We will work together to identify what habits you have around food and nutrition, as well as training and competition, to discover what you do around food preparation, look at why you take that approach and then work together to decide if there are any improvements that could be made in an area that will bring a performance benefit. We work together to understand your approach to nutrition currently and why you feel that is the way it is, and then clearly map out areas that would be easier for you to approach to begin with.
I am not here to ‘tell you what to eat’.
I am here to work with you to understand your habits, build new habits into your routine and highlight ‘blind spots’ around your preparation and recovery pre and post competition to ensure you minimise your likelihood of injury, illness and improve energy levels and performance during competition. Along the journey there are options to improve your knowledge and understanding of your own physiology and use this to support your progress.

What does Metabolic testing achieve?
Work with JHT Performance Nutrition to provide advanced physiological profiling to enhance your knowledge on how to fuel your performance, whatever your goal.
Functional Mass Improvement
Changes in our metabolic rate happen naturally overtime and are impacted by the amount and frequency we train and compete. Breath by breath analysis helps to gain insight as to the physiological processes that happen when we are at rest and when under metabolic stress (exercise / training / competition). All of these factors impact our physiological response to external stressors.
Athletic Performance Metrics
Understand how your body performs under the stress of exercise or training to optimise your athletic performance.
General Wellbeing
A healthy athlete always outperforms an unhealthy athlete. Understanding what your body needs and when is one of the key pillars of overall health and wellness.